12. Rowe, C. D., Ross, C. Swanson, M. T., Pollock, S., Backeberg, N. R., et al (2018). Geometric complexity of earthquake rupture surfaces preserved in pseudotachylyte networks. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 123 (9), 7998-8015.
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10. Backeberg, N. R., Björkman, K. E., Rowe, C. D. and Clark, J. R. (2018). Neoarchean supra-subduction gold in Mesoarchean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite: Disseminated and vein-hosted mineralization of the Hammond Reef gold deposit, Ontario. Precambrian Research, 305, 111-124.
9. Backeberg, N. R., Iacoviello, F., Rittner, M., Mitchell, T. M., Jones, A. P., Day, R., Wheeler J., Shearing P. R., Vermeesch, P. and Striolo, A. (2017). Quantifying the anisotropy and tortuosity of permeable pathways in clay-rich mudstones using models based on X-ray tomography. Scientific Reports, 7, 14838.
8. Bailey, J. J., Heenan, T. M. M., Finegan, D. P., Lu, X., Daemi, S. R., Iacoviello, F., Backeberg, N. R., Taiwo, O. O., Brett, D. J. L., Atkinson, A. and Shearing, P. R. (2017). Laser-preparation of geometrically optimised samples for X-ray nano-CT. Journal of Microscopy, 267 (3), 384-396.
7. Backeberg, N. R., Rowe, C. D. and Barshi, N. (2016). Alteration-weakening leading to localized deformation in a damage aureole adjacent to a dormant shear zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 90, 144-156.
6. Libbey, R. B. and Williams-Jones, A. E., Melosh, B. L. and Backeberg, N. R. (2015). Characterization of geothermal activity along the North American--Caribbean Plate boundary in Guatemala: The Joaquina geothermal field. Geothermics, 56, 17-34.
5. Backeberg, N. R., Rowe, C. D., van Hinsberg, V. J. and Bellefroid, E. J. (2014). Structural and metamorphic evidence for Mesoarchaean subduction in the Finlayson Lake greenstone belt, Superior Province, Ontario. Precambrian Research, 249, 100-114.
4. Backeberg, N. R., Reid, D. L., Trumbull, R. B. and Romer, R. L. (2011). Petrogenesis of the False Bay dyke swarm, Cape Peninsula: Evidence for Basement Assimilation. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (3-4), 335-352.
3. Rowe, C. D., Backeberg, N. R. (2011). Discussion on: Reconstruction of the Ordovician Pakhuis Ice Sheet, South Africa by H. J. Blignault and J. N. Theron. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (1), 95-102.
2. Rowe, C. D., Backeberg, N. R., van Rensburg, T., Maclennan, S. A., Curtis, C., Faber, C. and Viglietti, P. A. (2010). Structural Geology of Robben Island: Implications for the tectonic environment of Saldanian deformation. South African Journal of Geology, 113 (1), 15-60.
1. Backeberg, N. R. and Rowe, C.D. (2009). Mega-scale (~ 50m) Ordovician load casts at de Balie, South Africa: possible sediment fluidization by thermal destabilisation. South African Journal of Geology, 112 (2), 187-196.